
Investment in the Future and the Community

Your general donation to the A&M Club is an investment in the future of our community and the next generation of leaders. Whether supporting scholarship programs, enhancing operational capabilities, or facilitating exclusive events, your contribution directly impacts the academic success and personal growth of students. With your generous support, we can continue to uphold the values of Texas A&M University and provide invaluable opportunities for education, networking, and community engagement. Together, we are shaping a brighter tomorrow and empowering students to achieve their fullest potential. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and for being a catalyst for positive change.

Scholarship Sponsorship

Investment in the Future

Each year, the Gillespie County A&M Club awards scholarships to deserving young men and women who have been accepted to Texas A&M.  With the ever increasing costs of higher education, scholarship programs such as this one truly make an impact on the lives of these young people. In an effort to ensure this great tradition continues each year, we’ve established our Scholarship Sponsorship program, offering both named scholarships in honor of a fallen Aggie or general scholarships funded from donations and member dues.

Corporate Sponsorship

Investment in the Community

Our Club seeks corporate sponsorship to support our operations and scholarship initiatives, as well as exclusive events. By partnering with us, your company will contribute to the operational sustainability of our organization and help expand our scholarship programs, providing vital support to deserving students. In return, sponsors gain enhanced brand visibility, networking opportunities, and a positive corporate image aligned with education and community development. We invite interested companies to join us in making a difference and forging lasting partnerships that benefit both students and the broader community.



Please Mail Checks To:

Gillespie County A&M Club
412 South Adams, PMP 1179
Fredericksburg, TX 78624


Donate to support club operations and investment in our community.
Named Scholarship Sponsorship
Give $1,000 named scholarship in honor of a fallen Aggie.
Scholarship Sponsorship
Donate to support our scholarship funds.
Corporate Sponsorship
Partner with our club to investment in our community.